Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Well, here it is. Probably the last blog you'll read from a single man. The next 3 days will be filled with arriving guests, family introductions, last minute appointments and wrapping up loose ends. Needless to say, I won't be spending a whole lot of time in front of the computer or thinking about the blog. I might try to squeak one more in, but don't hold your breath. (I know that you sit in front of your computer screens waiting for the latest words from this depository of wit and wisdom).

As we start counting hours rather than days, I am floored by this gift from God that we call love. What a neat invention! In the midst of all His planning and creating, God came up with this incredible idea that someone could look at someone else and deem them worthy of extra affection, extra time, extra emotion and whatever investments were necessary to maintain a relationship. It's happened to all of us at some point--probably starting with your mom or dad or grandparents. Someone decided to love you. And it made all the difference in the world.

How cool is it that the One who came up with this idea made the decision to love you before He even created you? Knowing that you would be "just another human being" and that you would likely make mistakes and choose to reject Him some where along the way, God still chose you...and me...and the neighbor next door who looks so funny...and the stinky little kid down the street...and that "danged Republican" who keeps meddling in your personal politics. Make no mistake about it. God made it perfectly clear. He loves the WHOLE world (John 3:16) and His desire is that not one of us would pass from this planet without knowing of that great love (2 Peter 3:9).

In just over 87 hours from now, I get to begin my new life with someone I chose to love. Is she perfect? No. Neither am I. Will she disappoint me? Yeah, but not nearly as many times as I will let her down. But in her heart, I see the things that I desire in a wife, a partner, a mother, a lover, a confidant and a best friend. I choose to marry her. I choose to love her. I choose to do so because He chose me. And His love gives me the freedom to love someone else and become her biggest fan. Just like He is for me. Thanks for showing me how, God. Thanks for letting me pour that out on you, Lisa.


S.A.M. said...

Congatulations. I know the road to this point in your life has been tough, but God has chosen you for great things. Keep glorifying Him in everything you do and He will continue to bless you as He obviously has so far!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just wanted to say, "Thank you for loving Lisa, the way that she has desired and wanted for so long." (and deserved) I can tell that she is truely happy to be with you. I wish you both all the luck and love in the world and beyond.

Tiffany said...

YAY! Congrats!!! Very excited for you and Lisa and the kids. I've been going through all our pictures trying to organize them to put them into storage in one box. I've seen weeding pics, pics before kiddos, pics of kiddos, and current family pics. AMAZING how GOOD God is to us!!!! So undeserving but SO thankful that He loves me so much to give me so much.

Praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I work for VCU Health Systems in Richmond, VA where I just finished watching the video of you speaking to the hospital in Savanah. I emediately went to my desk to pull up any other information on you and your story where I came across this blog! What wonderful news! Tomorrow is your day. I will keep you in my prayers.
I want to thank you for speaking out and for allowing God to work through you in all of your life. You deserve every happiness.
If I am ever in the Franklin area, I hope to visit your church.

Janice Argoe

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you off and on today. I cant begin to tell you how happy I am for you and Lisa. I hope I am able to meet her one day. It seems she really has a heart for God and loves you for the man that God has designed you to be. To God be the Glory!We are created to know love and to give love. Our need to love, though rooted in God, is not limited to him. Love expands as we give it away. I am so glad that God gave you and Lisa each other so you can freely give the gift of love to one another as God so freely gives it to us. Your life story inspires me and gives me hope.

Your sister in Christ,
Laurie Trimble