Monday, August 13, 2007

Can I just tell you how amazing God is? You remember our little proposition last week? (For those who don't remember, go back and read last Monday's entry). Just ask. Take God at His word and ask Him for the desires He has placed on your heart. Last week, I invited you to pray with me for our churches. We were going to pray that God would restore power to them and change us and turn the church into a powerful force for His glory. I specifically mentioned the passage in Acts where it says that these disciples got together and prayed and the place where they were was shaken.

Well, all week long I prayed for just that. I prayed that Ridgeview would have a powerful worship, that we would have new faces, that people's lives would be changed. God is good! He followed through in amazing ways. I'm already praying for next Sunday. Now, was the ground shaking. No, but I believe with all my heart the enemy was. Because he saw the power of what 3 or 4 of you uniting with me in prayer could do. Now, my question is, what would happen if others of you would join us? Let me know this week if you want to join in with our prayers for God's power, for real change, for a powerful church. It can and will happen if we just believe.

One word of encouragement for you today. When Jesus was asked what the most important thing of all was in regards to religion and faith and law and our relationship to the Father, he boiled it down to one Love for the Father; love for others. Love makes a difference in lives when nothing else can. God's love for us can change our lives and I promise you it can do the same for anyone you know. The interesting thing is this: God chooses to love the world through you and me. He invites us to be His hands and feet today as we go to work and school and through our neighborhoods and into our houses this evening. Everywhere we go, we must be "oozing" with love. Not easy on Monday mornings or the day that the fridge dies or you and your kids have a fight or your boss gets all over your back. But it's our "call" nonetheless. To love. And the world becomes a radically different place when it's bathed in the love that comes from God. Singers sing about it; writers write about it. Moms and dads have taught about it for centuries. Now, let's do our best to live it for the whole world to see.

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