Monday, October 08, 2007

Before I get into the topic today, I wanted to take a second and address something regarding the use of this blog. Many of you have chosen to respond with comments. The number of comments has increased greatly since the release of the article this month. For that, I am very grateful. God is honoring my prayers to allow my story to touch and minister to other people. Here is something you must keep in mind, however. I really want to take the time to respond personally to everyone who writes, comments, or calls. When you make a comment on this blog, it does not give me your name and/or e-mail address unless you include it in the body of your comment. So, I can't respond to comments unless you give me that information. I had a couple of comments just this week where people wanted me to reply but I had no way of contacting them. Here's the solution. Either you e-mail me directly at or you include your name/e-mail address in your blog comments. If you don't care about receiving a reply, feel free to use the feedback section as always. Thanks.

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. Hebrews 11:8 NIV

Last night my wife and I had the chance to go and visit with some of our church family at one of our community groups (we call them LIFE groups at RCC). Shortly before we left, she did what a good wife is supposed to do and asked me, "Do you have any idea where we are going or how we get there?" Fortunately, I did and I told her so. Obviously she believed me because, without further questioning, she got into the car and we drove to the house. (Yes, I did make one wrong turn but we made it on time anyway).

That's kind of what I picture here with Abraham. The Bible says that God told Abraham to stick a "For Sale" sign in the front yard of his tent, round up the cattle and move to a new place. I find it interesting that no where does the story say that Abraham asked the question that my wife asked me. Lisa showed faith in me by believing that I was in control and knew where we were going. How much more faith did Abraham have in that he never once questioned God on the plan? He heard what God said and called his realtor (not really, just follow the story with me here).

In recent weeks, God's really been talking to me about the whole issue of faith. Or, maybe I should say the whole "action" of faith. It's one thing to say I believe in God. It's another thing to add " I will..." Abraham heard God's voice and He believed. And, because He believed, he moved.

You and I must do the same. God speaks to every one of us every single day. Do we listen? Do we try to explain away our disobedience by pretending we didn't hear or that we didn't understand? Do we act like God owes us more or that, somehow, we've given Him enough? The challenge is that I must listen and obey even though I don't know where this road may take me. I sure didn't 3 years ago when I prayed the prayer that day. When I told God "use this and use me for your glory" I had no idea what doors that would open and what hearts that would touch. There are decisions that loom in front of me now with my family and my church and this ministry that God has given me. In every situation, both mine and yours, our response must be, "I believe you God so I will ..." I may not know where I'm going but God surely does. In His care and in His time, He will get me there.

1 comment:

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Hi! I am one of the people brought here by your article in HomeLife, as I've stated before.

You may already know this so please forgive me if I'm telling you something you already know...but on your blogger profile, you can set up to be notified by email whenever someone leaves you a comment. IF that person has THEIR email set up, then their email is given to you in the email that is sent with their comment. Then, all you have to do is "reply" to their email comment. Again, you may already know this..but in case you don't...

Also, another method is if that person has a blog, you can click on their name in the comment section and it takes you to their blog, where you can most likely find an email address to contact them.

Of course, it will be much easier if people just email you directly or leave their email in the comments section. Just thought I'd offer the suggestion in case you didn't know.

Your blog is awesome and I really look forward to what you will write each day. I do believe God is using you to minister to people! I'm just glad I read the article and found you!

Have a great evening.
