Thursday, December 09, 2010


Have you ever thought about how much comfort is found in the first four words of the Bible? In the beginning, God...

Think about what that means, the power of that statement. Before anything and everything, there was God. There was this loving Creator with an awesome plan for you and for me. Beyond the intentionality of His creation, there is the comfort of knowing that nothing (despite what philosophers and modern scientists might say) is left to chance. God has gone before us.

Now, as if that wasn't enough, check out what the next-to-the-last verse of the Bible has to say. Yes, I am coming soon. Not only did God start this whole thing up, He Himself will bring it to its conclusion. He is the before and the after, the Alpha and Omega. The great Parentheses of life.

And in between is every thought, feeling, word and action that you and I will ever experience. There is nothing that escapes Him nor is there anything about our lives that surprises Him. My trials don't upset Him. My failures don't dethrone Him. When I wake up tomorrow, He will be there. If I don't wake up tomorrow, He will still be there. What comfort is gained from knowing that the One who was, is and always will be is looking out for me in every instance, every situation. I simply have to trust that He is at work, orchestrating the symphony of my life to make it a beautiful tune to bring Him glory. The only question that remains: will I trust Him enough to led Him lead me?

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