Monday, November 02, 2009

Maybe you've heard the popular definition of insanity.

Maybe you've heard the popular definition of insanity--to do the same thing the same way and expect different results. By this definition, I'd say many of us border on insanity in the spiritual part of our lives. We run through our lives at breakneck speed. We focus on our wants and our needs. We complain when things don't go exactly the way we think they should. And, tomorrow, we will get up and do it all over again. Most of us would admit that we lack the peace that Scripture talks about. There is an unsettled presence in our spirit that tells us that there should be more to life than living at this pace.

Years ago, a very dear friend of mine challenged me to memorize this verse:
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You. Isaiah 26:3 NLT

There is a simple remedy to the madness. It starts by focusing your life around Jesus. That's not an easy task in a world that has become focused on distracting us from this very thing. Don't get down when you find that you are focusing on the wrong thing. Use this as a place to get back on track and turn your focus on Him.

Next, learn to accept everything that comes into your life. It doesn't mean that it has to stay that way. Just understand the truth of Romans 11:36 that says all things come through Him. Then trust Him to give you the grace, peace, patience and strength to handle ALL things.

Finally, leave tomorrow in the hands of God. He has already seen what is to come. He has promised to go before you. You and I must trust that He will never allow tomorrow to be more than we can handle. Stay steadfast and know that He is God.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Stop composing blogs that are directed straight at me! ha ha This is EXACTLY where I am this week. Thank you for the reminder that God is in control. I hope that you are having a great week and that Lisa is getting better and better.