Monday, February 02, 2009

What did you have to eat today?

What did you have to eat today? I've already been greeted with that question several times today. I can't tell you how much it means to a pastor when his message has that kind of ripple effect. In case you missed it yesterday, we dealt with a really difficult subject--our bodies. Learning how to care for and feed our bodies is actually pretty easy. It's the follow through that's the hard part!!! So I'm thrilled to have so many of you thinking about what you are putting into your body and making plans for working your bodies throughout the week. Let's hold each other accountable for what we eat and how we care for ourselves. (Three-fourths of my LIFE group brought fruit or cheese to our Super Bowl party last night. How's that for following through?)

My question, though, goes a little bit deeper. Just as we should be concerned about the physical food we put into our bodies, we should be concerned about the spiritual food that we consume. Lord knows there are all kinds of "wisdom" out there for anyone who's willing to buy a book, listen to a CD or search the internet. I just Googled "Personal Bible Study" on the internet and got thousands of websites. The first four I visited were pretty scary. No telling what kind of teaching was coming out of those.

The best place to start? Just open up your Bible. Make sure you do it on a daily basis and you do it with a translation of Scripture that's easy to understand. King David, writing to God, said, "I've hidden your word in my heart so that I won't sin against You." Here is where real life change begins. So, be careful what you eat but, for heaven's sake, eat!!

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