Monday, May 11, 2009

Boy, you can tell it is the end of the school year.

Boy, you can tell it is the end of the school year. I can't decide who is checking out first...the kids or their teachers. Trying to get my four to stay focused and on task is a daily battle in the Barron household these days. There are countdowns. There are missed assignments. And there are too many days when they aren't even bringing a book home to study. But as I went through that little list of "daddy complaints" something there sounded vaguely familiar to me.

Did you catch it yourself or were you too busy looking ahead at your life?

It sounds strangely like too many believers I know. Pardon the analogy where it falls short but maybe you'll see it more clearly this second time round. Counting down the days, missed assignments from our Teacher and we don't even bring home the Book to study.

I can't really blame the kids too much. I was a lot like them myself. The danger is that we may have fallen into that same trap ourselves as Christ followers. The "vacation" will come when God decides. Till then, our minds must stay focused and our attention drawn to the One who leads us. The Book must become our companion and we cannot grow weary. I pray that we all will be found faithful to finish the race and to finish it well. Till the final bell rings, it's our responsibility.

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