Monday, December 14, 2009

Believe you can.

One of my favorite things to do as a pastor is to read the emails and notes and to hear the stories of victory that come. Believe me, there are far more than most of you realize (confidentiality keeps us from sharing some of the really good ones). I love when people have stories about how their families have been changed or relationships have been mended. They are the indication of a very powerful God that we serve. They encourage others and help us to know that others can have that same kind of victory and overcoming in their life if they will just trust God.

Therein lies the stumbling block...that whole trusting God thing. It's one thing to say it or to sing it on Sunday morning but something entirely different when the stuff of life hits us on Monday morning. But believing God can do what He has promised is the difference between a life that comes unglued and life held together. Make no mistake, we will all face those difficult days. The outcome is less about what the circumstances are and more about what we do with those circumstances. Here's a really cool verse of promise I shared with Lisa this morning. I hope it encourages you as you face the Deceiver today:

May your unfailing love come to me, O Lord, your salvation according to your promise; then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in your word. Psalm 119:41-42 NIV

The lies of the enemy are strong but God's word is stronger still. Trust that He can and will deliver no mater what the enemy says.

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