Tuesday, December 01, 2009

It's good to be home.

It's good to be home. You'll be glad to know that the Enchanted Kingdom of Mickey Mouse is alive and well. In fact, you'd never know there was a recession going on by looking at the thousands of people pouring in and out of central Florida. They were gobbling up $8 hot dogs and $4 drinks by the handful. And, of course, it was all a ton of fun with my family. I think I discovered this year that the fantasy and imagination behind all of Disney is more appreciated the older you get. I caught myself thinking several times, "Is there any way that Walt Disney could have imagined all of this when he first flew over that marshy area of Florida 30 plus years ago?" That was usually right after my thought of "who in the heck has to change all of these stinking light bulbs?" Nevertheless, the dream has evolved and it has become so much more than just a theme park.

I was floored at the people from Germany, Russia, China, places in Africa and, of course, all over North America who had made the sacrifices necessary to make their way to Orlando. The park was loaded with people from all races, all backgrounds. They were so many different shapes and sizes and languages. It truly is a Magic Kingdom.

I, of course, couldn't help but wonder about another Kingdom...one far more worthy of sacrifice...one that truly will become the ultimate destination...one that far exceeds any dream or fantasy you or I could have. Some day...

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