Monday, March 01, 2010


It's been a few days. Lisa and I took a couple of days away last week for our annual prayer retreat so I'm just getting back into the groove of things after being out of pocket. We had an amazing time talking, dreaming, writing and catching up on some reading. (We even squeezed a few workouts while we were away).

I know I've said this a lot lately but I've really enjoyed this message series--History--over the last few weeks. Coming back to these first books of the Old Testament is like hooking up with an old friend again and catching up on lapsed time. It is a fascinating story of this journey that man has been on with God for thousands of years. For me, it's been an incredible "God-hunt" to trace God's behind-the-scenes activity as the events of world history unfolded.

I was challenged by yesterday's message on the Ten Commandments. Like many of you, I've always seen these "regulations for life" as a rule book on how to get it right. However, the closer I look at the story, I realize that it's more about God's grace and love. God was saying to us, "I love you deeply and I'm not going anywhere. This is a level of holiness that you cannot possibly attain without me and my promise is to be right here with you as your God." Think about the significance of that statement, the personal level of love that God extends to you and me.

His grace has always been present...from the minute Adam and Eve first sinned to right now when you and I fail to make good choices.

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