Tuesday, June 01, 2010


It seems everywhere I turn these days, there are conversations and articles about "social media." As a nation, we have become enamored with the use of technology when it comes to our need for relationships. Where this really becomes a concern for me is my call to make fully devoted followers of Christ out of the people I come in contact with (it's your call too if you are a Christ follower). The question I have is, how do we make disciples in an age where Facebook is considered the basis of a relationship?

If you read carefully the stories of Jesus, Paul and the early disciples, you understand their emphasis on life-shared experiences and relational teaching. Yes, Jesus taught His disciples...but it was in the course of a life that was experienced together.

I get frustrated by Church people who believe that their occasional appearances at a worship service will somehow grow them into a mature believer. Such behavior will no more mature you spiritually than showing up at the dinner table once a week will grow you physically. If you are not in a constant, ongoing relationship with other Christ followers--more than just a worship service--you can't possibly be open to the kind of community that God created you for. Here's the clincher: it's only in this kind of community where the give and take of accountability can occur. This is where relationships (real ones, not Twittered) fine-tune us, encourage us, strengthen us for life's trials and grow the deep roots of faith we have to have to survive.

Now, the question to be answered, what are you willing to do to put yourself into that kind of "community?" Are you willing to expose yourself to accountability, to truth and to truly doing life together? Worship is good...really good. But it cannot take the place of having community with other Christ followers that know you on a deeper level. Community lost may be one of the greatest challenges facing our churches today. Without it, we all run the risk of remaining a mile wide and an inch deep in our faith.

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